Thank you for choosing to locate your business in a building owned by Mecca Holdings, LLC and operated by Intersection CRE. Intersection CRE and its team believe that you have made a prudent decision in this regard and our job now is to prove that you were right in making that choice.
Regardless of the type of building you occupy, the size of your suite or the length of your lease, our commitment is to provide you with an aesthetically and functionally superior business environment operated at the highest standard. Our management personnel welcome your comments and, more importantly, solicit your feedback so that we can be sure to fully meet your needs on an ongoing basis.
We hope that the information in this Handbook is helpful in acquainting you with the building you occupy and with our staff. Take a moment to familiarize yourself with the names and telephone numbers of those people who are available to assist with your needs. Should you wish to contact us directly for any reason, we would welcome your call.
Please know that your tenancy is valued by every member of our organization, and it is our goal to exceed your expectations. Again, thank you for making our building your business address.
The contact information for the Management Office is:
333 South 520 West
Lindon, UT 84042
Office: 801-932-6120
Every attempt has been made to provide current and accurate information in this Handbook, but it is possible that some items will change over time. The Management Office will promptly notify you of any such changes. Please feel free to contact the Management Office with any questions you may have. We are here to serve you.
Welcome to Canopy!
The Center for Innovation and Technology